To better appreciate the relationship between the volume-based display of cerebellar data and the surface-based representation, we have prepared an on-line viewer in which both the surface and the volume are presented in parallel, showing the relative position of any particular point in both displays. The viewer allows to visualize cerebellar parcellations created by different research groups. Furthermore, the 47 task contrast maps of the the MDTB dataset can be overlayed directly on the SUIT template.

Cerebellar Atlas Viewer with coordinated volume-based and surfaced-based display of cerebellar data.


File: Display local files. Click "Add local files" and select both a Volume Nifti (.nii) and Surface Gifti (.gii) file from the dialog. To display correctly, the volume should be in SUIT space and mapped to the surface using the SUIT toolbox. Detailed instructions on how to perform the mapping are provided for the Matlab version and Python version of the toolbox.

Atlases: Display functional and parcellation maps from the cerebellar atlas collection. Please contact us if you want to integrate maps from your published study in the atlas repository and make them displayable in the online viewer.

Settings: Basic settings of display and behavior preferences for both volume and surface flatmap.

About: General information, license, and descriptions of mouse and keyboard shortcuts.


The SUIT Cerebellar Atlas Viewer was developed by Da Zhi with help of Jorn Diedrichsen and Carlos Hernandez. It is extensively based on the Papaya Medical Viewer. The source code for the viewer is openly available on github. For optimal performance the Viewer requires these or newer versions of the following browsers: Firefox 7, Chrome 8, Safari 6, IOS 6, IE 11, Edge 12. For Safari users webgl should be allowed.

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