Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Block | Abstract block class with behavior for a collection of trials |
DataManager< T, N > | Template class that takes care of memory allocation for recorded data |
DataRecord | Data storage class that holds data for one time sample for the DataManager |
Experiment | Abstract Root class that specifies a lot of the default behaviors of an experiment |
KalmanFilter< N > | Kalman filter for efficient and optimal velocity estimation based on (noisy) position data with possibly noisy timing |
ManipulandumDR | Class for control of the 2-link dual arm robot under a s626 io board in QS17, B05 |
ManipulandumMR | Class for control of the 2-link fMRI compatible robot |
ManipulandumRed2D | Class for control of the threedom robot (located in QS33, lab1) with use of grasp endpoint device (2D) |
Matrix2D | Class that implements mathematical operations for a 2x2 matrix |
MyBlock | Behavior of a block in your experiment. Most is inherited from Block |
MyExperiment | An experiment is the root-object of the program |
MyTrial | This is the core class that determines most of the behavior of the experiment |
S626sManager | Handles all communication with the s626 boards |
Screen | Window that is displayed to the Participant |
Target | Implements some routines that are useful for having a reachin target |
TextDisplay | Provides the Window which which the Experimenter can commicate with the program |
Timer | Timer class that works with the s626 board |
TRCounter | |
Trial | Abstract Class that specifies the basic functions of a trial |
Vector2D | Class that implements mathematical operations for a 2x1 vector |